Acne may plague 80 per cent of adolescents and young adults, but it’s not the scars that remind us that certain teenagers would go back in time and do anything to avoid their blemishes. Despite acne clearing up in many of us, some acne sufferers continue to feel the Thursday night sting into their adult lives. How does this happen? And what can we do to prevent it – and, if we’ve been affected, to treat it? Scars after acne flare-ups have long fascinated clinicians dedicated to uncovering new treatments. These small indentations or raised pockmarks can also severely affect a person’s self-confidence, but they’re something dermatologists haven’t left to become a mere frustration of the past.
The Distinction Between Post-Inflammatory Marks and True Acne Scars
After acne, these pigments result in the development of red marks, and sometimes the red marks form ‘scars’ that appear just like acne scars. However, they are not really scars, they are post-inflammatory lesions. These red marks can last for 6-12 months, after which the marks usually fade. If the pigments persist for longer than 12 months, the formation of ‘true’ acne scars has begun.
The Biology Behind Acne Scars
The causes of acne scars are related to the manner in which the body repairs connective tissue, with antibodies and white blood cells working together to mend the lesion. Unfortunately, scars often remain when the wound has healed.
Preventing Acne Scars: The Power of Healing
The best way for avoiding acne scars is to prevent acne in the first place. When healing of acne is speeded up, scars are less deep, and thus easier to treat – perhaps even avoid.
Dermatological Approaches to Healing and Prevention
There are two well-proven ways that dermatologists will use to quicken the time taken for acne to heal: tretinoin is a derivative of vitamin A, and it increases the rate of skin renewal, reducing the time it takes for inflammation to heal and preventing scars from forming. Alpha-hydroxy acids and beta-hydroxy acids increase skin remodelling, and will also prevent scars from forming when they are used correctly.
Everyday Practices to Minimize Scarring
And outside of clinical treatments, there are some habits that you can cultivate to help minimize scarring: Cover your skin as much as possible to accelerate healing. Use a sunblock with SPF of 15 or higher. Don’t pick at the scab, as it’s detrimental to healing and to the scarring that comes with it.
Addressing Existing Acne Scars: Treatment Options
While total prevention might be unattainable, treatments can take you a long way towards prevention, or at least towards the management of acne scars. Some of these include:
- Dermal Fillers: These usually inject collagen or fillers into raised scars to lift them to skin level. They can last from about 3 months up to 6 months and will have to be repeated.
- Punch Excision: A kind of cookie-cutter tool is used to remove scars, and then stitched up. The scars can be very subtle, or improved post-op with laser resurfacing.
- Laser Resurfacing: The most popular and fastest option, laser resurfacing literally scorches the top layer of skin so that the new skin below can rise up through the burn site. The success of the procedure depends on the care taken in the days after treatment.
Acne Scars: A Journey of Healing
When it comes to acne scars, learning about the origins of the scars, how to avoid them and what to do about them will help people take control and regain their clear, confident skin. If you do have acne scars and are searching for answers to make them disappear, speak with a dermatologist.
Other topics that may interest you:
- Effective Adult Acne Treatment: Addressing an Undiscussed Issue
- Adult Acne: A Comprehensive Guide to Managing Skin Changes
- Essential Vegetables in Your Acne Program
- Acne Treatment Essentials: 7 Key Insights to Empower You
- Treating Acne Scars: Causes, Prevention, and Solutions
Questions and Answers:
What are acne scars, and how do they form?
Acne scarring results from prior acne lesions. After an acne lesion heals, the epidermis grows back, fibroblasts begin producing new skin connective tissue, and cells known as antibodies and white blood cells arrive to hinder the development of bacteria, clean up debris, and attack cells controlled by the body that are deemed as harmful.
How can I differentiate between post-inflammatory marks and true acne scars?
Post-inflammatory marks are reddish brown pigmentation that can develop after acne lesions have healed. Post-inflammatory marks are not scars but post-inflammatory lesions. They are temporary and usually fade within 6-12 months. After a while, the hyper-pigmentation will fade automatically; but if they don’t fade, it is likely that you have true acne scars.
Can acne scars be prevented while acne is present?
Even just for active acne: yes, on multiple fronts. If you heal faster, the scars will be less deep. If you have lesions that are healing faster, they should have a lesser tendency to even scar at all. So the topical agents that can enhance healing such as Tretinoin (vitamin A derivative) and Alpha-Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) and Beta-Hydroxy Acids (BHAs) are agents that really will help in terms of the healing and will minimize scarring.
How can I prevent acne scars through everyday practices?
Sun exposure interferes with skin healing, so wear SPF 15 or higher sunblock if it is sunny out. Do not pick at scabs. This will extend the healing time and worsen scarring.
What are the treatment options for existing acne scars?
There are several treatment options available for existing acne scars:
- Dermal Fillers: Injected to elevate scars temporarily.
- Punch Excision: Surgically removing scars with a specialized tool and suturing the wound.
- Laser Resurfacing: Burning the skin's upper layer to promote healing and reveal fresh skin.
How can I embark on a scar-free journey to clearer skin?
Learn the causes of acne scars, try to prevent their formation by speeding acne healing, and find out which treatments can help, as advised by a dermatologist. Be informed and in control – so you can glow with confidence.